Saturday, 7 June 2008

End of 1st Year!

this marks my 1st year in imperial! i just had my very last design lecture/tutorial.. it was all about improving the design of the pump project that we did a few months ago. im glad this is all over.. to mark the end of the 1st year, we had a LAN-party in david's room in brunei hall.. i came late due to the delays in the tube n some stuff i had to iron out before burning the midnight oil in brunei hall~
Played Vampire Slayer on half-life.. was a wicked moment there with lots of crazy screaming, shooting n swearing from all of us! soon, it was 11pm so we headed to tesco to buy snacks n drinks! We were back again to his room, snacking away on crisps n playing WC3 custom maps. GAMER's LIFE?

my spot on the top bunk

dave n ming just below me.. look at the mess! haha

Izzy on the floor.. look at ming munching on those kettle chips!

Dave n his heroic post?

Played from 10pm to around 5am.. it was a funny night filled with wicked memories.

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