Sunday 28 September 2008

Not ready to leave~

this blog has been pretty much dead when i m back in brunei. theres nothing really interesting going on i guess or i may just be too lazy.. anyways, gonna catch the flight tonight back to uk. i m not ready to leave brunei yet! all the luxuries i have here.. a car to drive in, food prepared n cooked, dishes washed, laundry done, my bed.. the list goes on.

i dont know what happened to my tagboard.. it disappeared from my sidebar =/ but apparently its at the bottom of the page~

Tuesday 16 September 2008


been watching the contender asia on my computer. downloaded it through utorrent. surprisingly the internet connection was dam fast. downloaded aroudn 1.5Gb in less than 12 hours without opening the port! well what can u say about brunei connection ey? Muay Thai, also referred to as The Art of the Eight Limbs, was the fighting style.

Been playing quite alot of badminton with my bro lately until recently when his membership expired n i suffered a shoulder injury. just my luck~ after my rib recovery, i suffered back pain then i get another injury! whats next?

Bought a new phone today in Incomm.. i have been waiting for this phone for quite some time. fortunately, the price just dropped today so i got it cheap. E66! i got the black one cos it looks nicer, sleeker (sleeker? is that a word or is it more sleek?) n more professional.. well more business-looking i should say.

12 more days till i say bye bye brunei~

Sunday 7 September 2008


watched money not enough 2 in mall cineplex last week. one of those classic jack neo films where there is always a meaning about life behind it. hilarious hokkien movie which continues from the 1st money not enough movie.
Got the uber combo sickness package - cough, sorethroat, fever, headache n flu. i was down for a couple of days, stuck at home, sleeping away those days.
Held a small LAN/poker party yesterday at my house. was fun but bloody tiring.. slept at 7ish am in the morning which was a killer! especially when i was called to go out at 1ish pm. Went for lunch in yappy before heading back home to continue my kinship episodes. Been watching this singaporean chinese drama these past few days. quite a good storyline so far.

im stuck for words.. i think i shall end it here. Need more sleep~
