Sunday, 15 March 2009

Original BA KUT TEH recipe!

Decided to cook ba kut teh for lunch one day!
ingredients - spring onion, fried tofu thing, black mushroom, pork leg, ba kut teh packets, salt, soy sauce (dark n light).
Marinated the pork legs which were cut into bite sizes with soy sauce for one night.
Chop the mushrooms into bite sizes and soak for a few hours until soft.
Chop fried tofu thing into bite sizes as well.
Chop spring onions into fine pieces.
Put water into the pot until it is boiling then add the ba kut teh packet (make sure u do not cut open the packet).
Leave the packet in the pot for a few minutes until smell diffuses out before adding the pork leg and mushroom.


Close the pot with a lid and leave for 45 minutes before adding the fried tofu thing.
Let the ba kut teh simmer for another hour before adding salt and soy sauce (dark n light) to suit ur taste.


To go with the ba kut teh, u can add lettuce in the pot and steam it for a couple of minutes or cook black soy sauce egg!

black soy sauce egg!

plate of awesome fruits!

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